5th & Glow™ Ready to Order?

The “Telomere Tuning”
to Erasing
17 Years of
in Just 13 Days

Want to know what my darkest secret was?

It was my fear that Jack, my husband of 25 years, would be seduced by Britney, the sexy new addition to his sales team.

The first time I saw her, she was sauntering through the door during a company party.

It was clear she was on the prowl.

My intuition screamed that she’d be trouble with a capital “T”.

But here’s the irony of my heightened fears:

I Later Discovered
Britney was
5 Years
OLDER Than Me.

She was 50. Yet she looked like
she was in her late 30s.

Meanwhile, I could have passed for her older sister—​​or aunt.

Hi, my name is Sara Mason...

And even though I spent countless nights worrying about Britney...

More than I care to admit…

She’s also the reason I look and feel better than I have in YEARS.

You see, after Britney came into the picture, I started doing anything and everything to look younger.

That’s how I stumbled onto a remarkable—and unusual—anti-aging solution. You’ve probably never heard of it.

I hadn’t, either.

But researchers have been studying it for years, and today scientists, cosmetologists, and dermatologists all agree that:

THIS Is the Most Exciting
Science-Backed Natural Beauty
Discovery in the
Last 50 Years.

This breakthrough has knocked nearly
a decade off my face—
and NECK!

It’s made me look—and feel—more beautiful than I ever dreamed possible at 45.

Just take a look:

Now, if you feel skeptical about this picture, I get it.

Before I found this solution, I’d tried those “instant wrinkle removers” promoted on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook…

Not to mention collagen creams, lifting serums, “face tape”, and a host of other “anti-aging solutions” that promised to firm and tighten my sagging skin...

Get rid of my jowls, remove my double chin, and erase my turkey neck lines. The list was as long as my arm.


It was incredibly frustrating.

And honestly demoralizing.

I felt like I had no control over how I looked and it affected every single part of my life.

My productivity
at work.

My relationships.

My well-being.


If you’re feeling the same way, stick
with me. Because by the end of my story, you’ll learn:

  • The scientific reasons why many “anti-aging” products don’t work.
  • How so-called “miracle” lotions and potions actually “steal” the nutrients from your skin cells, causing your skin to age fast.
  • Why your skin is aging so quickly. (Hint: It’s not about your collagen levels, but your chromosomes.)
  • How the solution I’m about to show you works
    on your skin at the cellular level, targeting your DNA to repair the damage that’s being inflicted on your skin—damage that’s been occurring since you were a teenager—to actually reverse the age of your skin cells.

I’m going to reveal all of that shortly…

But first, it’s important you understand that this natural solution hasn’t only worked in a lab or just on me.

Women in the Real World have Tried it Too and Seen Unbelievable Results.

Just take a look for yourself.

—Evelyn Kern, 61 (Oklahoma)

My skin is firmer than
it’s been in
15 years!

—Evelyn Kern, 61 (Oklahoma)

—Patty Joe, 67 (Michigan)

I’ve been using
this for 3 weeks and my skin feels more supple!

—Patty Joe, 67 (Michigan)

—Lynn Thomas, 56 (Florida)

I didn’t know
was possible
at 56…

—Lynn Thomas, 56 (Florida)

—Lisa Posten, 63 (Ohio)

My skin has never been healthier…

—Lisa Posten, 63 (Ohio)

Like I Mentioned, My Name Is Sara Mason**.

I’m not a doctor, a cosmetologist,
or a skin expert.

I’m a middle-aged wife and mother who was mired in the quicksand of accelerated aging.

I woke up one morning, and could barely recognize myself.

I’ll tell you more about that in a minute but first, let’s get back to Britney.

You have to understand the fear and horror which struck my heart that fateful evening, when Britney sauntered into the party looking like J.Lo.

Her Wow Factor Turned
and I Saw
Everyone’s Eyes “Pop”.

I couldn’t help but notice
my husband Jack
getting caught up
in the spectacle.

His medical sales team had been operating online throughout the pandemic and with the lockdowns coming to a close, Britney was a new hire on the team.

It was clear she had been hired because of the spell she would cast on doctors, surgeons, and hospital administrators.

She had a confident, predatory look that said she could have any man in view.

My female intuition kicked into high gear—I knew she would set her sights on Jack from the get-go.

I felt an immediate sense of dread. My heart rate skyrocketed, as a wave of intense insecurity surged through me…

Because I Knew
I Couldn't Hold a Candle
to Her...

Even though she was
5 years older than me.

Also… Our marriage, quite honestly, had been on shaky ground for a while. We were more like roommates.

We didn’t talk much, unless it was about
the kids.

And we had stopped having sex a long
time ago.

Probably because I just didn’t feel like myself anymore.

Work had been stressful, and I never had time to exercise or properly take care of myself.

My Body Showed it.
And So Did My Skin.

Then the lockdowns came,
and things just got worse for us.

I know it’s true for so many, but the pandemic really did put a heavy strain on our crumbling relationship.

Jack’s sales income had gone down by 30% and then I suddenly lost my job.

The financial pressure was crushing.

So we were both anxious and stressed—all the time.

The Constant Tension
Created a
Big Chasm in
Our Connection.

It was beyond a “rough patch”.

Jack had been so distant for so long…

It felt like we were barely hanging on.

My hope was that with the world starting to get back to normal...

Maybe Jack and I could too.

But watching Britney on the prowl at the party sent a lightning bolt of fear straight to my heart.

I needed some backup, so I immediately
texted my best
friend Shawnie…

This J.Lo look-alike just waltzed into the party. Jack totally looked her up and down. She noticed, and flashed a smile at him like a thirst trap! She’s apparently the new sales rep he’s supposed to ‘train’. 🙅

Do you need me to be with you? She’ll never know what hit her. ☠️

I can’t believe this. This is NOT what our marriage needs right now. I feel sick. I think I’m gonna throw up. 🤮

Just hired the Russian Mafia off Craigslist. 😉 Problem solved.

I’m worried.

You’re a wonderful wife, and Jack loves you. Hang in there!

Wish it was that simple. Sigh. Gotta go. Talk later. 😘

Coffee, tomorrow?

YES! ❤️ Just gotta make it through tonight without committing a crime, LOL! Wish me luck. 🤞

Jack was Distant, as Usual,
During the Drive Home.

He fell into bed and was
asleep in seconds…

Leaving me to toss and turn with my spiraling thoughts.

I simply couldn’t shut off my brain.

Everything just felt so heavy.

I finally got up at 2 am and went into the bathroom. I shut the door, turned on the lights…

And took a long and honest look at myself in the mirror.

My parched and furrowed face looked as if life had been hard on me.

All I wanted was to feel beautiful and ALIVE again…

To recapture the joy and connection Jack and I used to have in the past.

But My Reflection
Screamed That
Those Days were
Long Gone.

I thought back to everything
I’d done
to slow down the runaway train of age.

As I thought about all those products that’d failed on my skin, a flood of memories came rushing back.

Like the magical way Jack had looked at me on our wedding day…

How I’d still felt young and sexy at my 10‑year high school reunion…

And how my daughter’s preschool teacher had sworn I looked like my daughter’s college-aged sister.

But Around My
38th Birthday,
to Change.

Every year since then, it was as if
I’d aged 3 years instead of 1.

It didn’t matter what I did—I just kept looking older and older.

At one point, I started to think maybe
that was just what happened, when one got older.

Maybe I just needed to embrace it…

Then I saw Britney.

She made me realize how much vitality my face had lost...

And reminded me of my failing marriage... and life.

Seeing Britney Made
Me Feel
So Vulnerable
and Unattractive.

Looking at my reflection that
night made me face
those uncomfortable feelings.

Hot tears stung my face, and despair crept in. But I also felt a steely resolve forming in my heart.

I knew what I had to do.

I wasn’t going to let myself go.

There was no way in hell I was giving up without a fight.

Even if it meant life-risking surgery…

I was All-In on My Marriage and My Family.

I knew exactly what Shawnie and I would be talking about over coffee the next day.

I was so thankful for Shawnie’s company at the café that morning.

She simply listened—as I processed all my fears and insecurities, sharing my decision to see a plastic surgeon.

I just can’t look like I’m 60,
when I’m only 45!

I said.

I mean, I know I should be OK
with myself just as I am…but I
have so many ‘good years’ ahead
of me, don’t I?

Shawnie replied,

Look, I know you know this. But I’m just gonna say it.

You’re beautiful just as you are. You don’t need to change a thing.

You shouldn’t HAVE to change ANYTHING about your looks to be happy in your marriage! But if you’re convinced that you need to see a surgeon and have ‘work done’—no judgment from me.

I have your back, no matter what.

Shawnie and I Spent the Next Week Researching Surgeons in Our Area.

We narrowed my choices down to a supposedly-reputable doctor, and I made an appointment to see him.

When the day came, I was glad to have Shawnie with me—I didn’t feel so alone in that daunting clinic.

While we were waiting in the posh and expensive-looking waiting room, Shawnie picked up a random beauty magazine from one of the end tables.

It was an issue of Marie Claire with Selena Gomez on the cover.


Shawnie said,

Take a look at this.

She Showed Me an
About a Skincare Specialist Dubbed
the “Facialist of the Future”.

Her name was Cecilia Wong***, and the article explained how she was combining natural botanical ingredients found in Traditional Chinese Medicine with cutting-edge scientific research.

Cecilia’s clients were getting amazing results with her methods…

Which was why women—including runway models, A-list celebrities and Hollywood stars—were traveling from all over the country for her special facials in New York City.

Shawnie looked at me, raised her eyebrows, and asked,

What do you think?

We huddled around my phone and Googled Cecilia to find out everything we could about her.

Something Cecilia Said in
an Article
Hit Me Like a Lightning Bolt.

She mentioned that wrinkles
aren’t always caused by aging.

Instead, they are the result of a deeper problem…
A problem created by damage to our chromosomes.

The report went on to reveal that Cecilia was in the process of developing a natural solution to target premature fine lines and wrinkles.

This solution, based on brand-new, breakthrough university research on DNA structure showed amazing promise.

It would allow women to “age in reverse” and look a decade younger…

Without resorting to harsh chemicals, or expensive and risky dermatological procedures.

After reading that article, Shawnie said,

Don’t you think you should find out if Cecilia’s solution might actually work
for you?

I paused for a second, then jumped to my feet.

I Canceled My
Appointment and Rushed Out the Door, with Shawnie Close Behind Me.

Once we got to the parking lot, I called Cecilia’s office in New York to schedule an appointment.

The receptionist was kind, but said Cecilia was booked out for the next 6 months.

My heart sank, and Shawnie frowned in frustration.

The receptionist asked if I wanted a place on the waiting list.

I figured, why not—then settled in for a long and worried wait.

Shawnie tried to cheer me up by pointing out that a chance to meet Cecilia was better than rushing headlong into plastic surgery.

My Relationship with Jack Continued
to Be a Source of Constant Angst.

And my concerns about Britney
grew exponentially.

Then one day, out of the blue, my cell phone rang with a 212 area code.

It was Cecilia’s receptionist, who said they’d had a surprise cancellation. She asked if I wanted the original appointment.

I took a deep breath and said, “YES!”.

3 days later, I was face-to-face with Cecilia.

  • I told her about how the numerous wrinkles on
    my face had appeared in quick succession after I
    turned 38.
  • I shared all about my fear of losing Jack, and how that spiked when Britney waltzed into the party.
  • I listed all the different creams, serums, and lotions
    I’d tried…
  • And confessed about deciding to pursue surgery.

Sara, she said, her voice
incredibly kind…

I know first-hand what it’s like to live with ‘ugly skin’.

As a teenager, I used to have terrible acne as well as dry and splotchy skin.

Every day, I tried to hide behind my hair.

So, woman to woman, I truly understand.

I eventually found a way to address what was happening on the surface of my skin…

By going deeper—down to the DNA level.

And it healed my skin from the inside out.

Based on everything I’d told her…

And based on her most recent research, Cecilia told me…

My Aging Skin was
Actually a Sign
of a Chromosome Problem.

To get a better grasp of it,
she told me
we needed to understand our skin cells.

She said:

The skin has about 300 million cells.

To maintain a youthful
appearance, your skin cells
should regenerate regularly.

Of course, this process slows down over time.

And skin-cell renewal varies from person to person.

But to give you an idea:

For babies, skin-cell renewal takes around 14 days.

For teenagers, it takes around
28 days.

For middle-aged individuals, it takes between 28 and 42 days.

And for those aged 50 and above, it can take up to 84 days.

Now, there are things we can do to speed up the process.

But Cecilia emphasized that it isn’t just about accelerating skin-cell renewal—it is equally important to ensure that the skin regeneration process is effective.

She revealed that…

When We Make New Skin Cells,
We Also Want Them to be Strong—
as Strong as the Cells We had Before.

That’s where chromosomes
come in.

In each of our skin cells, we have chromosomes.

And these chromosomes ensure that the correct DNA information gets passed on to new cells as they reproduce.

This is important.

It is what makes healthy, youthful, and strong skin cells.

However, new skin cells can be weak and inferior, when they are compromised.

This happens when our chromosomes are exposed to:

  • Environmental toxins
  • Pollution
  • UV rays
  • Sugars in our diet, including those in some of our favorite wines
  • Excessive free radicals
    from processed foods like sausages and bacon

Such Attacks on Our
Skin Cells
Result in
Saggier, More Wrinkly,
Older-Looking Skin.

I was shocked by Cecilia’s revelation.

I responded:

I can see why my complexion had fallen off a cliff back in my mid-30s.

I then asked if there was a way to protect the chromosomes in our skin cells, without giving up sugar and wine.

Cecilia broke into a smile.

She asked if I’d heard of “telomeres”.

I said I had, but that I didn’t really understand them.

Cecilia told me that telomeres are the “caps” at the end of our chromosomes.

Think of how shoelaces have aglets—protective caps that keep their fibers from unraveling.

That’s what telomeres are like.

These “caps” protect the information stored in our chromosomes.

But when telomeres are exposed to environmental aggressors and harmful food substances…

The caps are worn down. And they begin to shorten.

This compromises cell reproduction, which weakens our cells and results in accelerated aging.

But When Our Telomeres are Protected by Something Called “Telomere Tuning”...

Our skin cells can reproduce more
efficiently and accurately…

Which means we will have healthy and youthful-looking skin.

With telomere tuning, you can enjoy a glass of wine, a little bacon, or a sunny day at the beach—without worrying about the condition of your skin.

It gives your skin the chance to return to its previously youthful state.

Is that why nothing I’ve tried in the past has worked?

I asked.

Cecilia replied,

Sad to say, but yes—it’s why most collagen creams, anti-aging serums, and skin treatments don’t work.

They simply can’t
activate telomere tuning
to protect the chromosomes in our skin cells.

Then Cecilia said,

Sara, our time’s up, but let me send you home with something. I’ve been working on a proprietary formula that activates telomere tuning…

To reverse the damage caused by our modern world. I developed it for women just like you.

Try it, and let me know how it works for you. I’m confident you’ll see results pretty quickly.

I Called Shawnie Immediately
My Meeting With Cecilia,
and Told Her All About
Our Conversation.

I was so anxious to start on the formula that I put some on my face while I was on the phone.

It felt incredibly smooth and refreshing on my skin...

As if my thirsty skin was getting a long cool drink of water.

My face was softer and more hydrated than ever before…

Yet the formula didn’t leave a greasy or sticky layer on my skin—unlike so many other products I’d tried.

When I got home, I applied more of it on my face before I went to bed.

And it Made Me Feel as if
I Was at a Luxury Spa…

Like I’d completely splurged
on myself.

Shawnie came over the next day, and we took some “before” pictures to document things.

No makeup, no treatments, no beauty filters—just my raw skin, with all its fine lines and furrows.

After only a few days, I observed a significant difference in how my skin looked and felt.

My face had that youthful dewy glow I used to have in my 20s...

My skin felt firmer, and looked a little more lifted.

I texted Shawnie, and she was full of encouraging words.

By the End of the
First Week, My Skin had Clearly Lost Some of its Usual Sagginess…

Especially around my eyes
and my mouth.

The crow’s feet and smile lines hadn’t “disappeared”—but the cream had definitely diminished their appearance!

I had a weird feeling…

Like I was living in a dream, and I wondered if my eyes were deceiving me.

By the end of Week 3, I wasn’t wondering any more.

I don’t think Jack “knew” what had changed but he was noticing me more, for sure.

I caught him looking at me one night, while we were getting dinner ready and felt a familiar spark between us—something we hadn’t experienced in a long time.

It seemed like maybe some of the ice between us had started to melt.

As the Days Passed,
My Skin
Gradually Regained its Elasticity.

Many of the deep lines and
that I thought had moved
in for good…

Started to disappear, giving my face a lifted appearance…

And my previously-saggy skin had become smooth, taut and supple.

By the end of 30 days, I swear it seemed like I was looking at a new woman in the mirror:

I truly felt like a new woman as if I had a new lease on life.

My confidence rolled right back in, and I had a sense of self-assurance—the way I did when I was younger.

I Actually Started Feeling
Beautiful and Sexy Again...

I was genuinely happy
and content.

But most importantly, something was shifting for Jack and me.

We were smiling and laughing more…

We were having long conversations, and he even planned a date night for us at my favorite restaurant.

It was a truly magical evening, getting all dressed up and dining by candlelight.

The sexual tension between us grew and grew throughout the night…

And when we got home, we were like newlyweds again…

Tearing each other’s clothes off like in the movies. It was the most passionate we’d been in years.

Our connection was back—and in a big way.

When I told Cecilia about how effective her cream was, and how it led to positive changes in my life…

She Decided to Produce
More of it
For a Few Other Clients of Hers.

She even gave me a few
so that I could share it with my friends.

Here are a few of their stories.

—Evelyn Kern, 61 (Oklahoma)

My skin is plumper and
my neck is firmer than
it’s been in 15 years!

I am thrilled to FINALLY find a product that works. My skin looks plumper. My jowls are less saggy, and my neck is firmer than it has been in 15 years.

I’m 61, and this has made a huge difference in how I see, and feel, about myself. THANK YOU!

—Evelyn Kern, 61 (Oklahoma)

—Patty Joe, 67 (Michigan)

I’ve been using this for 3 weeks and my skin feels more supple!

I’ve been using this for 3 weeks and I’ve already noticed a big difference.

It quickly improves the appearance and texture of my skin by soothing inflammation, and enhances its clarity and brightness.

It also moisturizes and tightens my skin. It really has ‘lifted’ my face. I especially like the fact that it is easily absorbed by my skin, and doesn’t just stay on top of it.

It is a great product! I will be purchasing again!

—Patty Joe, 67 (Michigan)

—Lynn Thomas, 56 (Florida)

I didn’t think a
cream could do this…

I’ve been using this for 3 months. I didn’t think a cream could do this. The fact that this moisturizer will help to keep my telomeres from shrinking is a good thing, and I can actually see it working.

I love the way it tightens my skin, and smooths the creases on my face. This cream is lightweight, non-greasy, and absorbs beautifully into my skin without a trace of residue.

I am in my late 50s, and have been mistaken for being in my late 30s several times, since using it!

—Lynn Thomas, 56 (Florida)

—Lisa Posten, 63 (Ohio)

My skin has never
been healthier…

I got this cream coming out of a rough winter which had taken a toll on my skin. It proved to be soothing and highly absorbable, which was great when having to wear a mask daily.

It greatly improved a rough and dry patch on my cheek that usually pops up in the cold weather.

It also works well under makeup. My skin is now the healthiest it’s ever been.

—Lisa Posten, 63 (Ohio)

Pretty amazing, right?

You know what I love about these stories?

These women’s amazing results do not have ANY negative side effects.

This Incredible Skin
Doesn’t Require a Doctor’s Visit…

Or a risky and painful procedure that costs thousands.

I will be forever grateful that Cecilia shared that sample jar with me!

After that first month with the trial version of her formula, I called Cecila and told her all about my results in detail.

I was desperate to keep the momentum going, and begged her for another jar. But Cecilia had some disappointing news for me.

First, Global Supply Chain Issues
had Really Put a Damper on the
Production of Her Formula.

Next, she told me that she had to
put her plans to launch this cream
on hold…

Since the lockdowns had ended, her clinic had become so busy…

That she just didn’t have time to vet
new manufacturers...

Fix the never-ending supply-chain problems and figure out marketing and distribution strategies.

My heart sank. The last thing I wanted to do was go back to looking the way I did before.

Plus, I knew that there were thousands of other women out there, just like me who were desperate for a solution to the damage sustained by the telomeres in our skin chromosomes.

So I Called Shawnie,
and Together,
We Hatched
a Wild Plan.

First, we got the full list of ingredients
that make up the formula, from Cecilia.

Then we hired Julie, a business consultant whom Shawnie knew from college.

I told Julie it was her job to create a bulletproof business plan, which included securing reliable sources that could provide us with a steady supply of the raw ingredients we needed.

Together, we vetted manufacturers and distributors and created a customer service team.

When Julie showed us her finalized plan, Shawnie and I loved it immediately.

Not Only had She
Identified Ways
to Improve Ingredient Sourcing…

She also showed us how we
could distribute Cecilia’s product directly to women…

Using letters just like this one instead of relying on retail distribution, and the “middleman” markups that come with it!

It meant that Cecilia’s miracle telomere cream wouldn’t have the 700% markup most retail brands have.

And we could actually pass those savings on to other women desperate for a proven solution.

That way, anyone can erase years from the appearance of their skin—without having to take out a loan to do so.

We took our plan to Cecilia, who gave it her all-important stamp of approval.

I’m proud to introduce this miracle cream to you today:

It’s called LunaSkin

LunaSkin Protects the Chromosomes
in Your Skin Cells From the Damage
of Our Modern World...

By strengthening the
telomeres at the end
of your
skin chromosomes.

This ensures that the DNA information for skin repair and cell reproduction can be passed on with full integrity…

And your skin cells will not suffer from exposure to adverse factors such as environmental toxins and harmful food substances.

That way, you can slow down the aging process, and feel confident through the decades.

When you make LunaSkin a part of your daily regimen…

  • You’ll be optimizing nutrition, hydration, and elasticity for your skin.
  • Your skin’s collagen and elastin will be protected which means you’ll see firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin in the mirror… in almost no time at all.
  • You can finally kiss dull, dry, and wrinkly skin goodbye—for good.

You’ll Probably Have
the Same
Sensation that Thousands
Other Women, and I,
Have Experienced…

As you watch the beautiful
youthful transformation
of your skin…

All because it is finally healthy and strong, thanks to the telomere-tuning properties of LunaSkin™.

Instead of dread…

Looking at yourself in the mirror each day will fill you with a renewed sense of joy and confidence.

Your girlfriends will sit up and take notice…

And they will beg you to share your new beauty secret.

You might even find that your husband or partner can’t
keep their hands off you...

Because they’ll be seeing the real you, not the one with terrible skin.

But Don’t Take
My Word For It.

I’d love for you to hear from these other women (and men) who are currently using LunaSkin.

My face looks more sculpted…

Within the past few weeks, it lifted my jawline, and my face now has a sculpted, more-youthful look. Highly recommend it.

—Betty Walton, 71 (Texas)

I give this cream to
all my friends!

I love this so much, I’ve started giving it to all my friends as a gift. After using it for less than a month, their skin is noticeably softer and less wrinkled. I tried to talk them into just putting it on one side of their faces, so we could do a direct comparison.

For some reason, nobody was willing to do that. But it wasn't necessary. The changes were very obvious. :)

—Terry Ware, 48 (Arizona)

I can’t tell you how many compliments I get…

I LOVE this moisturizer. I got it to try, and I'm sold. It goes on smoothly and absorbs into my skin immediately. Within 5 minutes, my face is ready for makeup—it doesn’t gunk up or crease when makeup is applied.

My skin feels firmer and looks refreshed. I cannot tell you how many compliments I have gotten since trying this. Highly recommended.

—Carla Wood, 49 (South Carolina)

I stole this from my wife
and I really like it…

My wife started using this, and I noticed such a difference that I thought I would try it too. I mean, why shouldn’t I look good as well? I’ve been using it for a few weeks, and my face is smoother and firmer.

My skin just feels taken care of, and I do think this cream is making me look a touch younger too.

—Brian Johnson, 55 (California)

I stopped using this… And all my wrinkles came back!

I used a jar of this cream and didn't get another, because it didn't make a difference...or so I thought. After a few weeks of using my old cream, I noticed more fine lines, and wrinkles that were more pronounced. After returning to using this, my facial lines are diminishing again. Lesson learned!

—Tamie Dorsey, 43 (Iowa)

My face feels way more toned.

I’ve been using this cream for weeks now, and my skin has this nice, toned feel. It’s not so tight that it feels like it would crack, but it’s nicely-toned and has a smooth texture. I wish I could afford to use it all over my body. I really love it.

—Tim White, 51 (Utah)

By Now, You’re Probably Anxious to
Get Your Hands
on LunaSkin

To experience its
age-reversing abilities.

But it’s important that you know exactly what you’re putting on your face. So, allow me to quickly cover the ingredients that make up LunaSkin™.

The first essential ingredient is called Teprenone.

Teprenone activates Telomere Tuning by promoting the natural repair and protective functions of the chromosomes in our skin…

And most importantly, by helping to preserve the length of telomeres.

Researchers who conducted a clinical trial to measure the effects of Teprenone found that the participants showed positive results after 1 month.

Significant Improvements were Seen in:

  • Firmness by up to 35%...
  • Elasticity by up to 31%...
  • Tone by up to 45%...
  • Roughness on women’s neckline by up to 36%...

In a 6-Month Study, Researchers Found
that Teprenone was Able to...

  • Increase moisture retention by up to 58%...
  • Boost the integrity of the skin’s protective barrier by up to 46%...
  • And fade UV sun spots by up to 56% .

The next powerhouse ingredient is called Squalane.

Squalane has a knack for mimicking your skin's own natural oils .

A key element for maintaining the chromosomal health of your skin, it reinforces telomere tuning.

Squalane is also a highly-effective emollient which softens and smooths dry, rough, and flaky skin

Making it feel velvety-soft and more hydrated.

But My Favorite Thing About Squalane Is its Powerful Antioxidant Properties...

Which protect your skin from toxins and pollutants—things we will never fully be rid of, in our lifetime .

Squalane is an excellent defense against the elements that threaten
to dry out your skin and cause premature aging.

The next ingredient in Cecilia’s formulation is
Hyaluronic Acid.

You’ve probably heard of this ingredient before, and that’s because it is important to skincare.

The research on this ingredient only continues to grow…

And its claim to fame is its ability to hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water.

It’s one of nature’s most powerful humectants, drawing moisture into the skin—and keeping it there .

The last key ingredient is called Aquaxyl™.

It’s a trademarked form of Xylitol, a powerhouse complex that improves and reinforces your skin’s hydration levels.

It protects and stabilizes telomeres that are attacked by rogue molecules like free radicals...

Counteracting the effects of oxidative stress that aggravate your skin to prevent further damage.

Aquaxyl™ visibly tightens aging skin, giving it a firmer appearance. It also minimizes discoloration and rectifies poor skin texture.

At this point, I need to ask you an important question…

How Do You Want to
Look and Feel,
30 Days
From Now?

What would you love to see, when you look in the mirror?

I hope you don’t find this too forward of me, but it’s got to be said:

Looking your best is not a vanity thing, it’s a wellness thing. Confidence matters.

If you don’t get your hands on LunaSkin™ today, your skin will not only continue to look the way it does right now…

Chances are, things will get worse.

With each passing day, your skin will look drier, older, saggier, and wrinklier.

Age spots from seemingly out of nowhere will mar your complexion.

And your existing wrinkles will deepen, while new ones will suddenly start to form.

Modern life will keep bombarding you with pollution and toxins.
The sun will keep assaulting your skin with UV rays and oxidative damage.
Your skin cells will continue to regenerate slowly, and less effectively.

God knows that’s the last thing I want for you.

Fortunately, That
Does NOT Need
to Be
Your Reality.

With Cecilia’s help, you will feel as if your
complexion has hopped into a
time machine…

Returning to when your skin was soft, hydrated, supple, and less wrinkled.

You can get back your skin’s previous elasticity, and high moisture levels.

In a matter of days, you will have a youthful glow…

The same radiance you had when you were younger. You will see the difference with your own eyes.

Your friends, family, and partner will all stare at you in wonder,
marveling at how you’ve managed to recapture the beauty from your youth so effortlessly.

And it’ll all be thanks to Cecilia’s wonder formula that actually addresses the real causes of aging.

Now, I’ve Got Some Great News For You.

It’s clear that by reading this far, you’re committed to erasing the years from your skin.

Julie, who’s now in charge of operations, has reserved 100 jars of LunaSkin™ for those reading this message today.

But you must hurry before we run out of stock. Women are sweeping up this formula left and right.

  • As you might have already guessed, with the world’s supply chain being such a mess…
  • And with transportation and distribution channels being so topsy-turvy right now…
  • And with how the word is getting out about how powerful Cecilia’s formula is…

Demand Will Soon
Outpace Supply.

Which means, if—and when—we run out of stock, you will miss out on getting LunaSkin

And you will end up having to wait between 6 and 12 months before we can replenish our supply of LunaSkin™.

But as long as you’re one of the 100 people who get their order in today…

Your very own supply of LunaSkin™ will be delivered straight to your door in 5–7 business days.

Plus, I’ll show you how you can also get free US shipping today!

Now, I want to put your mind at ease.

There are ZERO
Recurring Costs.

I hate those surprise subscriptions!

That’s not how we operate. You only pay when you place an order.

But I encourage you to act fast.

Limited to First
100 Orders!

Left 30 to be claimed

This batch of 100 jars will be gone faster than you think.

What’s more, Cecilia’s so confident LunaSkin™ is the answer to protecting your delicate skin and fending off an aging appearance…

She Guarantees that You'll
Head Over Heels in
Love with
How Much
Younger You’ll Look...

Or you’ll get your money back.

So when LunaSkin™ arrives at your door…

Enjoy a moment of gratitude: Be assured that you’re finally going to regain that youthful-looking skin which you once had, and thought was impossible to recapture.

Then, start using it as directed.

And Before You Know it,
You’ll Notice
a Big
Difference in Your Skin…

It will be soft, supple,
and hydrated.

LunaSkin™ works immediately to erase wrinkles, and diminishes the appearance of age spots as well.

I’d even encourage you to take a selfie each day, so you can track your transformation.

Trust me, you’ll want to capture the journey as you start to see your wrinkles disappear and watch that youthful
glow reappear.

You’ll soon be hearing things like…

You’ve never looked so good!

I’m so jealous of your complexion.


Wow, you look so young for your age!

We’re Also Throwing
in Some
Beauty Bonuses!

The first one is called:

Bonus #1:

The French Beauty Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Timeless Makeup Hacks
($39 Value)

Bonus #1:

The French Beauty Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Timeless Makeup Hacks
($39 Value)

Inside this free guide you’ll discover…

  • Coveted French makeup techniques that will make you look (and feel) like a timeless and effortless beauty…
  • How to transform your look naturally without wearing pounds of make up...
  • The secret to UNLEASHING your inner confidence after 40 and more…

By tapping into the French approach to skincare and makeup, you'll create a naturally radiant, unforgettable and sophisticated look.

It usually retails for $39 but today, we’re giving it to you for FREE when you order the 3- or 6-jar packages of LunaSkin™.

As for the second bonus, it’s called:

Bonus #2:

The Glow-Getter's Guide: Exploring The Must-Have Beauty Tools for Radiant Skin
($39 Value)

Bonus #2:

The Glow-Getter's Guide: Exploring The Must-Have Beauty Tools for Radiant Skin
($39 Value)

Our FREE guide explores the most innovative and effective tools available today.

Once you read what’s inside, you’ll be able to…

  • UNLEASH your skin’s full potential with a personalized skin care routine that caters to your unique needs…
  • PROTECT your skin from damage and maintain its health with the most innovative beauty tools available, ensuring long-lasting results.
  • Double the effectiveness of LunaSkin™ with daily routines that keep your skin healthy year after year.

Just like the first bonus, this guide normally retails for $39…

But today, it's yours for free when you choose the 3- or 6-jar packages of LunaSkin™.

And last but not least,
the final bonus is called:

Bonus #3:

Skincare Routine for Every Age:
How to Take Care of Your Skin in Your
30s, 40s, 50s, and Beyond
($39 Value)

Bonus #3:

Skincare Routine for Every Age: How to Take Care of Your Skin in Your 30s, 40s, 50s, and Beyond
($39 Value)

What worked for your skin at 20 won’t at 30. What your skin needs at 40 is not what it needs at 50.

That’s why we’ve created comprehensive skincare guide that will give you a step-by-step plan for your age.

It will help you effectively address the changes that happen to your skin as you age and protect it from damage…

This indispensable guide retails for $39…

And just like the 2 bonuses above, it’s yours free when you get the 3- or 6-jar packages of LunaSkin™.

1 Jar Starter
U.P $119 | Save $40
YOU SAVE $40 | $119


6 Jars Best Bundle
U.P $714 | Save $420
YOU SAVE $420 | $714


3 Jars Value Bundle
U.P $357 | Save $150
YOU SAVE $150 | $357


Free Worldwide Shipping

On all orders. No minimum.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee.
No questions asked.

Secured and Verified Payment
Safe and Effective Products

5th & Glow™ goes above and beyond to make sure that any products with their name on it follows the strictest quality and purity standards.

To Summarize,
You Choose
Multi-Jar Packages…

You’ll save as much as 59% on LunaSkin AND you’ll also receive an extra $117 in bonus guides!

But of course, DON’T feel pressured to get these guides.

They’re there as a complementary resource for folks who order the 3- or 6-jar packages of LunaSkin™.

And the only reason I’m throwing these bonuses in for free, is to match your commitment.

So you really have nothing to lose here…

Now, you’re probably wondering how to get your own supply of LunaSkin™ right away. But before that, you have to know:

Each Batch of
LunaSkin Is Made
in a
GMP-Certified Facility…

And then it’s shipped off to be
tested at an
independent lab for proof of quality assurance.

This will give you the peace of mind that the ingredients on the inside match what’s on the label.

Cecilia wants 100% verification that what’s in every jar is something she would want on her own skin.

Which means it’s as pure as humanly possible.

This is no easy task. Nor is it cheap.

Many of the ingredients in LunaSkin™ are sourced from around the world.

With the World Economy’s Supply Chain
on Such
Shaky Ground…

Not to mention the current trade wars that might
lead to surprise hikes in tariffs and taxes…

Delays and price increases can hit at any time.

What’s more, ever since word has gotten out about LunaSkin™…

Its popularity is stretching our production capability to the max.

Julie is doing her best but she tells me that an out-of-stock situation is a constant threat.

It normally takes 3 months to get the shelves stocked again...

But with the turmoil caused by the pandemic, and the unpredictability of our supply chain…

Restocking Our Shelves
When We
Run Out is Estimated at 6–12 Months.

Crazy, right?

You see, our manufacturing facility can truly only produce a limited amount of LunaSkin™ at a given time.

On top of that, since thousands of women are experiencing the life-changing benefits of LunaSkin™…

They're purchasing multiple jars with every order they make…

As they do not want to lose momentum on the game-changing results they’re seeing every day.

The bottom line is, it’s more challenging than ever for Julie to manage the demand.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m thrilled so many women are experiencing the age-reversing power of LunaSkin™.

But Since Out-of-Stocks are
Such a Very Real Risk…

I want you to be aware of all this.

As a woman who’s cried in desperation after looking in the mirror, I would never want anyone to continue to suffer like
I did...

Not when there’s a proven solution that fights back against environmental toxins, UV rays and free radicals.

It is exactly why, in just a minute, I’ll be sharing with you how to get your own supply of LunaSkin™ today—at an introductory discount.

But first, you should know that this is the ONLY place to get LunaSkin™.

See, by not selling LunaSkin™ through beauty counters and big-chain stores, we are eliminating additional markups…

Which Means, You Get
to Keep
More Cash in
YOUR Pocket.

Now, considering the cost of the
unique ingredients in LunaSkin

And all the countless other expenses that come with bringing a premium product to market…

The recommended retail price for LunaSkin™ is $180 per jar.

That’s how much we should charge, according to the industry consultants whom Julie spoke to.

Remember how the typical Big Beauty markup is around 700% ?

I simply couldn’t do that to you…

Not with the economy being so shaky—and inflation at a record high.

And Like I Said Earlier,
This Is an
AFFORDABLE Solution For Protecting
and Hydrating Your Skin.

That’s why, right now—
and only on this website,
you can get LunaSkin at a significant discount.

Unlike so many other beauty solutions out there, LunaSkin™ is formulated with thoroughly-tested ingredients.

And it’s completely safe to use on your skin. Which should be a big relief to everyone...

Because we all love knowing that what’s going on our skin is not only effective, but safe too.

What’s more, it saves you from expensive and risky procedures at a clinic. With LunaSkin™, that’s a complete non-issue.

Taking all that into account…

$180 for LunaSkin Is a Bargain—
Even if You Use it For the Rest of Your Days.

And you really have to consider
all the benefits that money
actually can’t buy.

  • Benefits like getting back your confidence and youthful good looks…
  • Being proud of your appearance any time you step out of your door and feeling that surge of self-esteem…
  • Receiving those “wow!” comments from your friends and family and even getting “double takes” from men much younger than you.
  • And ultimately, feeling like you’re living the best version of yourself.

$180 would be a small price to pay for all of THAT.

That being said, you won’t be paying anywhere near $180 for a jar of LunaSkin™ today.

That’s because Shawnie and I have made it our mission to help as many women as possible. Which is why, when you order right now…

You Can Get Your Own
of LunaSkin For as Little as $49...

As part of our “Kiss Wrinkles Goodbye” Campaign.

1 Jar Starter
U.P $119 | Save $40
YOU SAVE $40 | $119


6 Jars Best Bundle
U.P $714 | Save $420
YOU SAVE $420 | $714


3 Jars Value Bundle
U.P $357 | Save $150
YOU SAVE $150 | $357


Free Worldwide Shipping

On all orders. No minimum.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee.
No questions asked.

Secured and Verified Payment
Safe and Effective Products

5th & Glow™ goes above and beyond to make sure that any products with their name on it follows the strictest quality and purity standards.

Because of how powerful LunaSkin™ is, many of our customers have vowed to continue using it—to maintain a youthful appearance for years to come.

And since supplies truly are limited…

We worked tirelessly to create a significantly-discounted multi-jar plan…

For women like you to stock up and save big with a 6-Jar Option.

This Option Brings Your Investment
All the Way
Down to Just $49 Per Jar.

1 Jar Starter
U.P $119 | Save $40
YOU SAVE $40 | $119


6 Jars Best Bundle
U.P $714 | Save $420
YOU SAVE $420 | $714


3 Jars Value Bundle
U.P $357 | Save $150
YOU SAVE $150 | $357


Free Worldwide Shipping

On all orders. No minimum.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee.
No questions asked.

Secured and Verified Payment
Safe and Effective Products

5th & Glow™ goes above and beyond to make sure that any products with their name on it follows the strictest quality and purity standards.

Which Means You’ll Save
but Only if You
Order Right Now.

Keep in mind that this
unique discount is only available
to the first 100 women who place their orders TODAY…

Limited to First
100 Orders!

Left 30 to be claimed

Plus, as a part of our “Kiss Wrinkles Goodbye” campaign…

We’re covering all US shipping and handling costs, when you order one of the bundle options...

Which means you’ll save an additional $12.95.

Keep in mind that this massive discount, together with the free US shipping and handling is only available during this campaign while supplies last…

To the first 100 women who place their order today.

And Since We Currently have Stock on Hand, I’d Recommend Choosing the
6-Jar Package.

Just make sure you secure
your order today,
while stock is
still available.

1 Jar Starter
U.P $119 | Save $40
YOU SAVE $40 | $119


6 Jars Best Bundle
U.P $714 | Save $420
YOU SAVE $420 | $714


3 Jars Value Bundle
U.P $357 | Save $150
YOU SAVE $150 | $357


Free Worldwide Shipping

On all orders. No minimum.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee.
No questions asked.

Secured and Verified Payment
Safe and Effective Products

5th & Glow™ goes above and beyond to make sure that any products with their name on it follows the strictest quality and purity standards.

Now, Once You Choose
the Bundle That’s Right
For You…

You’ll be directed to a
100% Secure
and Encrypted Checkout Page.

Fill out a simple order form, so we know where to send your parcel...

And you’ll receive your order of LunaSkin™ within 5 to 7 business days.

All things considered…

Getting LunaSkin Is
Perhaps One of the
Smallest, Yet Most Impactful, Investments
You’ll Ever Make for
Your Skin.

When you incorporate LunaSkin into your beauty routine…

  • You can bid farewell to wrinkles and roughness and say hello to smoother and fully-hydrated skin.
  • It’ll be firmer, and more supple.
  • You’ll look younger—more vibrant, and alive.
  • Your entire complexion will brighten and that dewy glow from your youth will finally be restored.

You can look forward to loving how soft and silky your skin feels all because you’ll be protecting your skin’s chromosomes by activating Telomere Tuning.

Just 1 jar of LunaSkin™ opens the door to having younger-looking skin in almost no time at all.

3 jars guarantee you’ll see the impact for months.

And with 6 jars of LunaSkin™, you’ll look your absolute best… for months and months on end!

Go Ahead and Choose
the Option
That’s Best For You, While We Still
Have Supplies on Hand…

And enjoy the peace of mind that comes
from knowing you’re giving your skin the support
it needs to keep you looking beautiful, 24/7.

1 Jar Starter
U.P $119 | Save $40
YOU SAVE $40 | $119


6 Jars Best Bundle
U.P $714 | Save $420
YOU SAVE $420 | $714


3 Jars Value Bundle
U.P $357 | Save $150
YOU SAVE $150 | $357


Free Worldwide Shipping

On all orders. No minimum.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee.
No questions asked.

Secured and Verified Payment
Safe and Effective Products

5th & Glow™ goes above and beyond to make sure that any products with their name on it follows the strictest quality and purity standards.

Aside From the Promise of
Younger-Looking Skin…

Here’s why your investment
in your appearance
should be a no-brainer:

Your Investment Today Is Also Covered by Cecilia’s “Fall in Love With Your Skin”
365-Day, 100% Money-Back GUARANTEE.

Because we girls have GOT to stick together!

It works like this:

Simply place your order today and give LunaSkin a big fat “maybe”.

Then, 5–7 days from now, when your LunaSkin arrives at your doorstep.

Start applying it on your skin each night before bed.

And watch, as your skin radically transforms a couple of weeks from now.

Many of our customers witness amazing results within a few short weeks.

For others, it may be around Week 4–6 when they really start to notice the biggest difference.

Results vary because everyone’s skin is in a different state of health…

But don’t you owe it to yourself to find out?

You truly have ZERO risk with this guarantee.

If, for any reason, LunaSkin™ isn’t transforming your skin in the way
you’d envisioned…

All you have to do is call our award-winning, US-based 24/7 Customer Support Team at 1-800-280-8411...

And you’ll get a full refund immediately.

Zero questions. Zero hassle.

There Is Absolutely
No Downside.

Your investment in turning back the clock
is 100% risk-free.

You really have nothing to lose.

AND we’ll give you an entire year, 12 FULL MONTHS…

To see if LunaSkin™ is the answer you’ve been looking for like it is for me, and many other women around the world.

Let me ask you…

When have you ever gotten the chance to “just try out something”— no strings attached— even before you make up your mind?

You get to think it over even as you add it to your daily routine and experience a life-changing transformation.

Those Big Beauty Brands Refuse to Offer
This Kind of Rock-Solid Guarantee.

Why would they, when profit is
their #1 priority?

So go ahead—invest in yourself, and try LunaSkin™ today, risk-free.

Choose the package that’s right for you now…

1 Jar Starter
U.P $119 | Save $40
YOU SAVE $40 | $119


6 Jars Best Bundle
U.P $714 | Save $420
YOU SAVE $420 | $714


3 Jars Value Bundle
U.P $357 | Save $150
YOU SAVE $150 | $357


Free Worldwide Shipping

On all orders. No minimum.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee.
No questions asked.

Secured and Verified Payment
Safe and Effective Products

5th & Glow™ goes above and beyond to make sure that any products with their name on it follows the strictest quality and purity standards.

Alright, My Friend, it’s Decision Time.

I encourage you to not ignore everything I’ve shared
with you
in this presentation.

Don’t continue to let environmental toxins, free radicals, and UV rays sabotage your skin’s regeneration process.

If you ignore this today, your skin will continue to suffer from the damage to your chromosomes.

  • It’s what’s draining your skin of important nutrients and jeopardizing the production of essential skin proteins like collagen and elastin...
  • Causing your skin to look old, dry, and unattractive, making you appear older than you actually are.
  • Without LunaSkin™, you’ll continue to look older than your calendar years.
  • You’ll feel as if people are judging you for your wrinkles and age spots.

If You’re Reading This
Right Now, You Already KNOW That Something MUST Change.

You deserve to live a life free from the damaging effects of environmental aggressors and harmful food substances on your skin.

You deserve to let go of your anxieties over your dry and wrinkled skin making you look older with each passing day.

You deserve to be liberated from those feelings of inferiority, when you are in the company of younger-looking women.

Being Held Hostage By the Appearance
of Your Skin Is Truly No Way to Live.

You’ve seen for yourself how powerful
the ingredients in LunaSkin truly are…

Isn’t it time you took advantage of this breakthrough scientific discovery?
Isn’t it time you put your self-conscious worries to bed…
for good?
Isn’t it time you reclaimed the firm and hydrated skin of your youth?

Go ahead and secure your order of LunaSkin™ by choosing the option that’s best for you.

And remember, your investment in YOU is protected by Cecilia’s 365-Day “Fall In Love With Your Skin” Money-Back Guarantee…

Which means you have a full 12 months to prove me right.

Your Skin Can Start Looking its
Beautiful— Supple, Hydrated, and Smooth— Because of LunaSkin.

Simply choose the option
that’s best for you.

It’s already worked for thousands of women, just like you, who want to turn back the clock…

It’s time for you to join them.

Choose the option that’s best for you, and I’ll see you on the other side.

1 Jar Starter
U.P $119 | Save $40
YOU SAVE $40 | $119


6 Jars Best Bundle
U.P $714 | Save $420
YOU SAVE $420 | $714


3 Jars Value Bundle
U.P $357 | Save $150
YOU SAVE $150 | $357


Free Worldwide Shipping

On all orders. No minimum.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee.
No questions asked.

Secured and Verified Payment
Safe and Effective Products

5th & Glow™ goes above and beyond to make sure that any products with their name on it follows the strictest quality and purity standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hey, if you’re still here… you might have questions. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently-asked questions about LunaSkin™.

Q. Who is LunaSkin™ for?

LunaSkin™ is for any woman who’s tired of her skin looking
dull, saggy, and wrinkly—and how it’s making her feel old
and unattractive.

Q. Does LunaSkin™ actually work?

YES! LunaSkin™ works so well that thousands of women are eagerly placing multiple orders for it.

LunaSkin™ is formulated with powerful ingredients to fight the root causes of aging skin: environmental toxins, environmental aggressors like pollution and UV rays, sugars, and free radicals.

It supports your skin’s chromosomal health, and specifically protects the delicate chromosomes in your skin cells by activating Telomere Tuning…

To return your skin to its plump, firm, and youthful best.

The best news is this: Getting LunaSkin™ is 100% risk-free.

If it doesn’t work as you expected, simply contact our customer support team, and we’ll give you a fast and full refund.

Q. How long does it take for LunaSkin™ to start working?

Well, since the condition of everyone’s skin is different, the length of time will vary.

Some people see significant results in just a matter of weeks.

Others might take a little longer.

Most of the subjects in the clinical trials I mentioned saw very noticeable results with LunaSkin™’s key ingredients within 4 weeks. The best results were seen in a clinical study that lasted 6 months.

Whichever the case, we’ve created a guarantee that accommodates every person’s skin condition:

You have a full 365 days—an entire year—to make sure you’re getting the results you want.

Q. What are the ingredients in LunaSkin™?

Cecilia packed LunaSkin™ with 4 key skin-protecting and nourishing ingredients that support healthy skin-cell renewal.

They are:



Hyaluronic Acid


Each and every one of these ingredients has been thoroughly tested. When they’re combined, they’re even more powerful and effective.

You won’t find a more robust formula for fighting environmental aggressors, and for protection against their detrimental effects.

Dull, dry, and wrinkly skin doesn’t stand a chance with this hydrating and protective formula.

Q. How do I use LunaSkin™?

It’s super simple. All you have to do is apply a thin layer of LunaSkin™ on your skin just before bed, as part of your skincare routine.

It can’t be any easier.

Do contact our customer service team, if you still have questions on how to use LunaSkin™.

Q. What Makes LunaSkin™ different from other beauty products?

LunaSkin™ protects the chromosomes that are in charge of skin-cell renewal.

Many products that claim to “repair” and “restore” your skin with antioxidants simply make things worse.

LunaSkin™ is your #1 defense against the damage inflicted on your skin by environmental toxins, oxidative stress, UV rays, and harmful substances in processed food.

With LunaSkin™, healthy, hydrated, and beautiful skin can finally be yours.

Q. What happens when I click the “Add to Cart” button?

Once you choose the jar option that’s best for you, you’ll be directed to our 100% safe and secure checkout page.

We use the highest-grade encryption available to ensure your personal information stays safe.

Fill in your shipping and payment information on the checkout page.

Once your order is completed, the guys in our warehouse will begin to prepare it for shipment.

Julie has streamlined this process, so you’ll get your order within 5‑7 business days.

This means that your struggle with dull, dry, and wrinkly skin will become a distant memory as soon as possible.

Q. What if it doesn’t work for me?

LunaSkin™ comes with an unprecedented 365-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

This means that once you’ve received your order, you’ll have a full 12 months to make sure it’s right for you.

If you’re like the thousands who have already tried LunaSkin™…

Then you’re going to be blown away by the results.

But if you’re not thrilled, getting a refund is as simple as calling or emailing our customer support team.

They’ll refund you ASAP with no questions, and zero hassle.

Q. How long will LunaSkin™ be available?

That’s a tough one.

I’m hoping LunaSkin™ will continue to be the beauty breakthrough for millions of Americans for years to come.

But the world’s compromised supply chain is making Julie’s job
so difficult…

Plus, the multi-billion Big Beauty industry isn’t keen on losing lifetime customers, and will do anything to keep them in their clutches.

That’s why it’s important for you to get LunaSkin™ today. Since you’re protected by our 365-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee…

You have nothing to lose, except your struggle with dull, dry, and wrinkly skin.

Q. I’m ready to try LunaSkin™. What’s next?

Well, this is the fun part.

All you have to do is choose the package that’s right for you, by clicking one of the “Buy” buttons below.

Remember, the longer you use LunaSkin™, the better it will work for you.

And since out-of-stocks are always a possibility…

I recommend choosing the 6-jar option.

This way, you know you’re covered.

And since you have a full 12 months to make sure LunaSkin™ is right for you…

There’s zero risk involved, if you decide on the multiple-jar option.

Once you’ve completed your purchase on the secure checkout page, you’ll receive your order within 5 to 7 business days.

So, go ahead and place your order now.

1 Jar Starter
U.P $119 | Save $40
YOU SAVE $40 | $119


6 Jars Best Bundle
U.P $714 | Save $420
YOU SAVE $420 | $714


3 Jars Value Bundle
U.P $357 | Save $150
YOU SAVE $150 | $357


Free Worldwide Shipping

On all orders. No minimum.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee.
No questions asked.

Secured and Verified Payment
Safe and Effective Products

5th & Glow™ goes above and beyond to make sure that any products with their name on it follows the strictest quality and purity standards.

Those are the Most
Common Questions
I Get About LunaSkin.

Hopefully, your question was
answered there.

But if you’re still wondering if it’s right for you…

The only way to find out is to claim the bundle that’s suitable for you right now. Just click on one of the 3 buttons, and complete your secure order.

Just say “Maybe”.

Look, I think you’ll agree that it’s way better to find out now, than to be haunted by all those "what if?" thoughts.

Besides, Let’s Face it...
Life Is Short Enough as It Is.

There’s not much you can do with this small price
that can impact your life THIS much.

Live life on YOUR terms.

Once you start using LunaSkin™ as part of your daily beauty routine…

You’ll start noticing that you look younger, and more vibrant.

You’ll feel as if you’ve finally gotten off that bullet train to aging skin.

A week or so later, you’ll see a big difference in the texture of your skin…

Unlike Before, it’ll
Be Plump,
and Smooth.

That’s telomere tuning beginning to make an impact.

  • You’ll feel more confident, sexy, and beautiful in your own skin.
  • You’ll regain the confidence you had in your youth…
  • And a sense of control…
    Control over how YOU show up
    in the world.

For some, this might take a day or two.

For others, it might take a week or more.

However, One Day…
it WILL Happen.

I call it
“Your Breakthrough Moment”.

  • It’s when you feel things have finally gotten back to how they’re supposed to be.
  • It’s when you’re in control of your skin—and it’s no longer ruining your life by sapping you of your confidence.
  • It’s when you’ve stopped fighting an invisible enemy that’s been stealing your youth and happiness.
  • It’s when you can be confident and bold in the presence of younger women…
  • And you’re not worried about your appearance–because you know your skin has a youthful firmness and glow to it, thanks to LunaSkin™.

LunaSkin™ will banish your anxieties and feelings of inferiority over your looks, so that you can be there for the people who mean the most in your life:

Your children, your grandchildren, your spouse, your friends...

And most importantly: YOURSELF.

Because a big part of you that was held hostage by aged-looking skin plagued by dryness and wrinkles, is now free…

Free to experience vibrancy, freedom, and happiness—everything you rightfully deserve.

When “Your Breakthrough Moment” Comes For You,
It Will Be a Day You’ll
Never Forget.

That is what I want for you.
I want you to experience that breakthrough moment as
soon as possible.

1 Jar Starter
U.P $119 | Save $40
YOU SAVE $40 | $119


6 Jars Best Bundle
U.P $714 | Save $420
YOU SAVE $420 | $714


3 Jars Value Bundle
U.P $357 | Save $150
YOU SAVE $150 | $357


Free Worldwide Shipping

On all orders. No minimum.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee.
No questions asked.

Secured and Verified Payment
Safe and Effective Products

5th & Glow™ goes above and beyond to make sure that any products with their name on it follows the strictest quality and purity standards.

Choose the LunaSkin
That’s Right For You… Do it Today…

Don’t let this limited-time
discount pass you by.

After all, you’ll get the next 365 days to decide if it’s for you. If it’s not… you’ll receive a fast and full refund.

But chances are, you’re going to love your experience with LunaSkin™.

So don’t wait any longer, select the number of LunaSkin™ jars you’d like…

Whether it’s just 1 jar, 3 jars or 6…

Choose the Option That Works Best For You…

And click the “Add To Cart” button below to get started.

I wish you all the best, and I can’t wait to hear about your experience.

Still have more questions about LunaSkin™?

Don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team.

The toll-free number is 1-800-280-8411, and we’re available 24/7. Seriously.

And don’t worry. You won’t have to talk to a robot or any automated machine…

We have real, live humans answering the phones to help you.

If you’re ready to start taking control of your skin health…

Just Take the Leap—Click the Button Below, and Take Action Right Now.

You have nothing to risk and
nothing to lose
except those
dreaded wrinkles.

Remember, we only have a very limited supply of LunaSkin™.

When it’s gone, it’s hard to tell when we will have more.

So you should quickly take advantage of our massive “Kiss Wrinkles Goodbye” discount, available only on THIS page...

Select the number of jars you’d like and click the “Add To Cart” button below to get started.

I’d like to thank you again for your time.

I Look Forward to
Getting to
Know You Better as a Customer...

And hearing about how much you’re enjoying LunaSkin.

1 Jar Starter
U.P $119 | Save $40
YOU SAVE $40 | $119


6 Jars Best Bundle
U.P $714 | Save $420
YOU SAVE $420 | $714


3 Jars Value Bundle
U.P $357 | Save $150
YOU SAVE $150 | $357


Free Worldwide Shipping

On all orders. No minimum.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee.
No questions asked.

Secured and Verified Payment
Safe and Effective Products

5th & Glow™ goes above and beyond to make sure that any products with their name on it follows the strictest quality and purity standards.

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[] https://www.beautyindependent.com/retail-markup-beauty-product-fur-oil-shark-tank/
[] https://incidecoder.com/ingredients/teprenone
[] https://www.healthline.com/health/squalane#for-acne-or-oily-skin
[] https://www.healthline.com/health/emollient
[] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/antioxidants-explained
[] http://yadda.icm.edu.pl/yadda/element/bwmeta1.element.baztech-article-BPP2-0017-0045/c/Olejnik_eng.pdf
[] https://www.beautyindependent.com/retail-markup-beauty-product-fur-oil-shark-tank/